TAGGRS Tracking Tags: Further Increasing the Data Difference


You've set up your TAGGRS account and started with Server Side Tracking. You've installed TAGGRS tracking tags to measure the data difference and have configured all tags and triggers in Google Tag Manager. To your satisfaction, you're witnessing a positive tracking difference. This excites you and prompts the question: How can I further enhance this data difference?

In this article, we'll explore several methods to increase the data difference.

Let's Dive In

1: Implementing the Enhanced Tracking Script

The enhanced tracking script is designed to outsmart more advanced ad blockers that may block the standard tracking script.

This enhanced script is an improved version of the regular GTM script, making it less recognizable to ad blockers. This allows for the capture of additional data. However, it's important to note that it does not significantly alter data graphs directly. It does improve client-side tracking, resulting in a 1-2% improvement in total measurable data. Follow the instructions in this article to install the enhanced tracking script.

2: Cookie Recovery

Post the iOS 16.4 update, first-party cookies on a subdomain are limited if the IP address matches the main domain by less than 50%. This Apple measure complicates Server Side Tracking.

TAGGRS developed a solution: Cookie recovery. By using a cookie set by TAGGRS, we store the values of all tracking cookies on the main domain. If tracking cookies are removed after 1 or 7 days, the TAGGRS cookie restores them to their original value, enabling longer conversion tracking.

Note: This feature requires the enhanced tracking script installed on your website!

3: Webhooks

For most events, Server Side Tracking with a data layer works well. However, some events, like purchase events, are not always accurately measured. Typical order flows might look like this:

  • Customer adds to cart

  • Customer enters checkout

  • Customer selects payment method

  • Customer pays in an external environment

  • Customer is redirected to a thank-you page

The order placement signal is sent from the data layer to GTM, but the data layer is only on the thank-you page. In 5-10% of cases, customers close the payment app right after payment, meaning the data layer never loads, and some orders are missed.

Webhook tracking solves this. With a webhook from your webshop's backend, you can always send data to Google Tag Manager, allowing for additional measurement in tools like GA4. Note, however, that it's not suitable for Google Ads conversion tracking, as the GCLID parameter cannot be sent to Google Ads.

Wrapping Up

These are key ways to increase the difference in measured data. If your problem is not listed here or if you have discovered another cause relevant to other users, please send us a support ticket.