Resolving Facebook CAPI Content Errors


If you're encountering issues with Facebook Conversions API (CAPI) where certain parameters like contents or content_ids cause errors, follow the steps below to resolve the issue.


When sending events to Facebook via CAPI, you might see the following error:

{"error":{"message":"Invalid parameter","type":"OAuthException","code":100,"error_subcode":2804008,"is_transient":false,"error_user_title":"Invalid Contents Parameter","error_user_msg":"The contents parameter you entered doesn't contain a list of JSON objects. Enter a list of JSON objects that contain the product IDs associated with the event plus information about the products. For example: [{ 'id' : 'ABC123', 'quantity' : '2', 'item_price' : 5.99}, { 'id' : 'XYZ789' , 'quantity' : 2, 'item_price' : 9.99}]","fbtrace_id":"..."}}

This typically indicates that the contents parameter is either malformed or not formatted as a list of JSON objects.


Step 1: Remove contents and content_ids From Existing Server-Side Facebook CAPI Tags

1. Go to your server container in your tag manager.

2. Locate the Facebook CAPI tag that is currently configured.

3. Remove the contents and content_ids parameters from the tag.

Step 2: Modify the contents Parameter for Purchase Events

1. Create a JavaScript Variable in your client container:

- Open your web container.

- Add a new variable of type Custom JavaScript.

- Use the following code to construct the contents parameter (Make sure {{DLV - ecommerce.items}} is your correct items variable):

function() {

// Access the items array from the dataLayer

var items = {{DLV - ecommerce.items}};

// Validate that items is an array with at least one item

if (!items || !Array.isArray(items) || items.length === 0) {

return null;


// Map over each item to create a new array with the modified properties

var modifiedItems = {

return {

id: item.item_id,

name: item.item_name || "",

price: item.price || 0,

quantity: item.quantity || 1



// Return only the first item in the modified array as required

return [modifiedItems[0]];


2. Add the Variable to the GA4 Purchase Event Tag:

- Assign the newly created variable as the value for the contents parameter.

Step 3: Separate the Facebook CAPI Tag for Purchase Events

1. In the server container:

- Create a dedicated Facebook CAPI tag for purchase events.

- Exclude purchase events from the original Facebook CAPI tag.

2. Add the contents parameter to the new purchase-specific CAPI tag:

- Use an Event Data Variable to pull the contents value from the variable you created earlier in the web container.

3. Test the changes:

- Ensure events are firing correctly with the modified contents parameter.

Step 4: Publish and Verify

1. Publish the changes in both the web container and server container.

2. Test all events (e.g., Add to Cart, Purchase) to confirm that they are functioning as expected.

3. Check Facebook Event Manager to ensure no errors appear.


This updated solution resolves the Invalid Contents Parameter error and ensures smooth data transfer between your system and Facebook CAPI for all events, including purchases.

Additionally, by removing the contents and content_ids parameters from the original server-side CAPI tag, you eliminate potential conflicts with other configurations.

If the issue persists, double-check the formatting of the contents parameter and test the setup again. For additional assistance, please contact our support team.