In this explanation of DNS Configuration, we explain the steps to configure the DNS (domain name system) for Yourhosting so that it can be used for Server Side Tracking. In fact, if you want to use a custom domain for your Server Side tracking setup (recommended), you will need a DNS record. A custom domain is a subdomain on your current domain name where you send all the data.
A DNS record is a setting that ensures that your domain name is sent to the correct server and is therefore necessary for server side tracking. DNS records are managed by your domain/web hosting provider.
Step 1: Create DNS record
In your TAGGRS account, you can find the DNS settings that need to be added to your hosting.
First of all, log in to Yourhosting. If you don’t have this information, you can probably request it from the IT department or one of your website’s web developers.
Once you’ve logged in to Yourhosting, choose a domain name. Once you’ve clicked on that, scroll down to DNS settings. Then click “add record. Under record name, enter the subdomain. Under type, select A. Under content, enter the record.
Hostnet does not support 300 TTL, please make this 600 TTL. Click save.
Once the saving is successful, click the validate button in the previous steps (the first image). This indicates whether your DNS succeeded and came through at TAGGRS. If this is successful, then you can move on to the next step. You can also complete the validation later.
Validate your DNS settings
Have you added DNS Records? If so, confirm them in the TAGGRS Dashboard by clicking 'validate.' Then, visit your subdomain in a new tab. You should see a picture like the one below. If it's not visible, there might be a configuration error. For details, check out the article for all DNS and Subdomain errors and solutions.
Please note: Subdomain validation may take up to 24 hours.