Cloudflare: DNS configuration for subdomain

In this explanation of DNS Configuration, we explain the steps to configure the DNS (domain name system) so that it can be used for server side tagging. In fact, if you want to use a custom domain for your server side tagging setup (recommended), you will need a DNS record. A custom domain is a subdomain on your current domain name where you send all the data.



A DNS record is a setting that ensures that your domain name is sent to the correct server and is therefore necessary for server side tagging. DNS records are managed by your domain/web hosting provider. This explanation focuses on Cloudfare. Do you have another provider? Then check out one of these articles:








Not sure which provider your domain is hosted with: Use this tool. If your provider is not among our list, read this article.

Step 1: Create custom domain

While creating your container in TAGGRS 1. Get the choice to create a custom domain. Once you do this, you will be prompted to set the DNS, as shown in the screenshot. Under Custom Domain, enter your desired domain, for example, Once you have done this, the required DNS setting will automatically appear at the bottom.


Next to the DNS record, the validate button appears. If you are able to create the DNS record yourself, you can validate it with the button right away as well. With that, you test whether everything is working properly. But don’t worry: you can always do the validation at a later time, if you leave the creation of the DNS record to someone else.

Step 2: Create DNS record

First, log in to Cloudfare. If you don’t have this information, you can probably request it from the IT department or one of your website’s web developers.

Once you are logged into Cloudfare, choose a domain name. Then choose DNS from the menu bar. Then click add record. Choose by type A. Under name, enter the prefix of the Custom Domain. At target you enter the Record. Proxy turn off. TTL at 5 minutes. Then click “Save.

Once the saving is successful, click the validate button in the previous steps (the first image). This indicates whether your DNS succeeded and came through at TAGGRS. If this is successful, then you can move on to the next step. You can also complete the validation later.

Possible errors

Should validation fail immediately, the following Error Messages may occur:

This is not a valid subdomain

Solution: The domain you entered is not a valid domain, the domain always ends in .nl/.com/.net etc.

No DNS records were found for this subdomain

Solution: The DNS has not been saved yet or it may take 24 hours for it to come through to us properly, please try again later via the container page.

The subdomain is already in use, try another one.

Solution: The subdomain is already being used by someone else with us and is therefore no longer available, try using another subdomain for it

No A DNS record was found

Solution: A DNS was found for this subdomain, but this is not an A record. Change the configuration.

The container uses a set of tags and settings based on the GTM account.